
セル電圧が定格外,またはセル温度が60℃以上の場合に,シャットダウン回路上にあるリレーを開いて,AIRへの電源を断ち,高電圧システムをシャットダウンする. 本車両では,バッテリーセルを8セルごとにまとめて1つのモジュールとしている. 各セグメントごとに8セル(モジュール全体の100%)の電圧と,3セル(モジュール全体の37.5%)の温度を監視している.


  1. Microcontroller board
    • Nucleo-F401RE
      • これがマスターである.セル電圧およびセル温度のデータ取得にはSPI通信を用いた.
    • Pin assignment
      • SPI
        • MOSI : D11
        • MISO : D12
        • SCLK : D13
        • CS for LTC6804-1 : D10
        • CS for ADC00 (Thermistor) : D5
        • CS for ADC01 (Thermistor) : D6
        • CS for ADC02 (Thermistor) : D7
      • BMS status signal (for Relay) : D4
      • LED : A0~A4
  2. Voltage measurement
  3. Temperature measurement
  4. PCB
    • 実機動作確認済 → シャットダウンシグナルを誤って5V出力としていた.正しくは3.3V→12Vで出力しなければならない.また,そもそも3.3V→5V出力の回路も間違っていた.再設計が必要.
      • Schematic: BMS_20200905.sch
      • Board: BMS_20200905.brd
    • 最新版(配置等の微修正,実機未検証)
      • Schematic: BMS_20201230.sch
      • Board: BMS_20201230.brd


  1. Mbed
  2. Tera Term
    • NucleoとPCをUSBで繋ぎ,セル電圧およびセル温度を測定する際に使用した.

Tera Termでの表示

Newline code(改行コード) : LF


諸事情により"????“としている部分がある. 関数等はLTC6804-1/ツール/Linduinoを参照.

// ----------Variable declaration----------
// I/O settings
SPI spi(D11, D12, D13);         // MOSI, MISO, SCLK
DigitalOut cs_spi(D10);         // CS for LTC6804-1
DigitalOut cs_thr00(D5);        // CS for ADC00 (Thermistor)
DigitalOut cs_thr01(D6);        // CS for ADC01 (Thermistor)
DigitalOut cs_thr02(D7);        // CS for ADC02 (Thermistor)
DigitalOut tr_sw(D4);           // BMS status signal for flip-flop circuit

// LED settings
DigitalOut LED_00(A0);
DigitalOut LED_01(A1);
DigitalOut LED_02(A2);
DigitalOut LED_03(A3);
DigitalOut LED_04(A4);

// USB serial output
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

// Recurring  timer interrupt
Ticker adc_sampling;

// Temperature and Voltage flags
int tmp_fg = 0;
int vol_fg = 0;

// Temperature and Voltage flags (when you use timer interruption)
// volatile int tmp_fg = 0;
// volatile int vol_fg = 0;

// ----------Various function----------
// Convert ADC values to temperature
float Calc_temp(float adc_v)
    float T = 0;                // Temperature[K]
    float T0 = 298.15;          // [K]
    float B = 3435;             // B constant of NTC thermistor
    float R0 = 10000;           // 10*10^3 [Ohm]
    float Rt = 0;               // Thermistor [Ohm]

    Rt = (5.0/adc_v - 1) * 10000;   // Voltage divider
    T = 1/(1/T0 + 1/B*log(Rt/R0));  // [K]
    return(T-273.15);            // [degree Celsius]

// Select MCP3008 and its channel
// Receive ADC results
float adc_spi(int ic_num, int ch_num)
  // MCP3008 SPI communicationdatasheet: ????, p.19, 22
  int TD0 = 0x01;                  // MCU Transmitted Data 0 (start bit)
  int TD1 = 0x00;                  // MCU Transmitted Data 1 (initialization)
  int TD2 = 0x00;                  // MCU Transmitted Data 2 ("Don't Care" Bits)
  int highByte, lowByte = 0;
  TD1 = (ch_num + 8 ) << 4;
  switch(ic_num) {
    case 0:
        cs_thr00 = 0;
        highByte = spi.write(TD1);
        lowByte = spi.write(TD2);
        cs_thr00 = 1;
    case 1:
        cs_thr01 = 0;
        highByte = spi.write(TD1);
        lowByte = spi.write(TD2);
        cs_thr01 = 1;

    case 2:
        cs_thr02 = 0;
        highByte = spi.write(TD1);
        lowByte = spi.write(TD2);
        cs_thr02 = 1;

        cs_thr00 = 1;
        cs_thr01 = 1;
        cs_thr02 = 1;

  // Arrange the format of ADC results
  return (((highByte & 0x03) << 8) + lowByte)*5.0/1024.0;	// 10bit ADC --> 5[V] / 10[bits] = 0.00488[V/bits]

// Get cell voltage from 1894B board (LTC6804-1)
// BMS max limit:????[V]
// BMS minimum limit:????[V]
// Datasheet: ????
int fg_ltc6804()
  uint8_t wrcfg[6][6];          // Setting commands
  uint16_t data[6][12];         // Cell volatage
  float vol_data[6][12];        // Cell volatage
  float v_total = 0;            // Total voltage
  uint8_t vf[6][8];				      // Not using

  vol_fg = 0;                   // Voltage flag reset

  // Refer to Table.36 on datasheet
  // Board i (i:0~5)
  for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    wrcfg[i][0] = 0xF8;           //CFGR0
    wrcfg[i][1] = 0x4C;           //CFGR1
    wrcfg[i][2] = 0x38;           //CFGR2
    wrcfg[i][3] = 0xA0;           //CFGR3
    wrcfg[i][4] = 0x00;           //CFGR4
    wrcfg[i][5] = 0x00;           //CFGR5

  // Execute LTC6804 function 
  LTC6804_wrcfg(6, wrcfg);
  LTC6804_adcv();                                             // Measure each cell voltage
  int rv_fg = LTC6804_rdcv(0, 6, data);                       // (All Register, Number of connection, Data storage)
                                                              // LSB of data is 100[uV]
  LTC6804_rdst_reg(2, 6, *vf);								                // Not using(B固定,接続数,データ保存先)

  // Calculate total voltage
  for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
    pc.printf("UNIT%02d\n", i);                               // Display LTC6804 board number
    for(int j = 0; j < 12; j++){
      vol_data[i][j] = data[i][j] * 0.0001;                   // Convert the range
      if(!(((i == 2 || i == 5) && (3 < j && j < 6)) || ((i == 2 || i == 5) && (9 < j)))){                       // data[5][4]~data[5][11] are not using because there are only ???? cells.
        if((vol_data[i][j] > ????) || (vol_data[i][j] < ????)){ // Check each cell voltage level (Max:????[V], Min:????[V])
          vol_fg += 1;                                        // Voltage flag
        v_total += vol_data[i][j];                            // Total voltage
        pc.printf("v%02d : %4.2f [V]  ", j, vol_data[i][j]);  // Display voltage status
  pc.printf("TOTAL VOLTAGE : %5.2f [V]\n\n", v_total);				  // Display Total voltage
  return vol_fg;

// Get cell temperature from thermistor (103JT-050)
// Datasheet: ????
int thermistor()
  float bt_tmp[8][3] = {{0}};                       // Battery temperature (1 module-->3 thermistors, ???? has ???? modules.)
  tmp_fg = 0;                                       // Temperature flag reset

  for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
      bt_tmp[i][j] = Calc_temp(adc_spi(j, i));      // Get temperature data
      if(bt_tmp[i][j] > 60.0){                      // Check cell temperature (Max:60.0[deg])
        tmp_fg += 1;
      pc.printf("%4.1f [deg]    ", bt_tmp[i][j]);    // Display temperature status
  return tmp_fg;

// Interrupt function
void interrupt()
  pc.printf("************ CELL VOLTAGE ************\n");
  vol_fg = fg_ltc6804();                            // Voltage
  pc.printf("************ CELL TEMPERATURE ************\n\n");
  tmp_fg = thermistor();                            // Temperature
  // Display flags
  pc.printf("Voltage flag: %2d\n", vol_fg);
  pc.printf("Temperature flag: %2d\n", tmp_fg);

int main()
  tr_sw = 1;                    // Normally HIGH (BMS status signal)
  // SPI settings
  spi.format(8,3);              // 8bits, Mode 3
  spi.frequency(500000);        // 500[kHz]

  // Wait 1[sec]
  // Timer interrupts by 1[sec]
  // adc_sampling.attach(&interrupt, 1);

  // Checking flags
    interrupt();                // not timer interruption
    pc.printf("vol_fg is %d\n",vol_fg);
    pc.printf("tmp fg is %d\n",tmp_fg);

    if(tmp_fg > 0 || vol_fg > 0){
      tr_sw = 1;                // BMS shutdown signal
    } else {
      tr_sw = 0;                // No problem